120 Science Words that Start with J + Quiz


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Science is a vast field encompassing numerous disciplines, each with its own unique vocabulary. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore 120 science words that start with the letter J, spanning various grade levels and scientific domains. From elementary school concepts to advanced terminology used in physics, chemistry, biology, and mathematics, this article will serve as a valuable resource for students, educators, and science enthusiasts alike.

General Science Words That Start With J

Before we delve into grade-specific terms, let’s explore some general science words that begin with J:

Word Meaning
Joule The unit of energy in the International System of Units (SI)
Jet A stream of fluid or gas forced out of a small opening
Junction A point where two or more things join or meet
Jupiter The largest planet in our solar system
Juncture A particular point in time, especially one made critical by a concurrence of circumstances
Javelin A light spear thrown in a competitive sport
Jawbone The bone forming the lower jaw
Jelly A semi-solid food made from fruit juice and sugar
Jetsam Objects thrown overboard from a ship or boat
Jigsaw A puzzle consisting of a picture printed on cardboard or wood and cut into various pieces

These words form the foundation of scientific language and are used across various disciplines. Now, let’s break down our exploration by grade levels, starting with 4th grade.

Grade-Specific Science Words That Start With J

Science Words That Start With J (4th Grade)

In 4th grade, students begin to explore more complex scientific concepts. Here are some J words they might encounter:

Word Meaning
Jaw The bony structure of the mouth in vertebrates that holds the teeth
Jellyfish A free-swimming marine animal with a jelly-like body
Joint A point where two bones meet in the body
Juice The liquid extracted from fruits or vegetables
Jungle A dense, tropical forest with abundant vegetation
Jade A hard, typically green stone used for ornaments and jewellery
Jacket An outer garment extending from the shoulders to the waist or hips
Jog To run at a steady, gentle pace
Journal A daily record of news and events
Juniper An evergreen shrub or tree with berry-like cones

Science Words That Start With J (5th Grade)

As students progress to 5th grade, they encounter more sophisticated scientific terms:

Word Meaning
Jaundice A medical condition causing yellowing of the skin and eyes
Juvenile A young animal that has not reached adulthood
Jeopardy A state of danger or risk
Jarring Causing a physical shock or jolt
Jasper A type of quartz used in jewellery and ornaments
Jolt A sudden, sharp movement
Jumbo Extremely large in size
Jagged Having a rough, uneven surface or edge
Jettison To throw or drop something from an aircraft or ship
Juxtapose To place different things side by side for comparison
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Science Words That Start With J (6th Grade)

In 6th grade, students delve deeper into scientific terminology:

Word Meaning
Jubilee A special anniversary, typically a 25th or 50th
Juncture A point of time, especially when important decisions are made
Jettison To throw or drop something from an aircraft or ship
Jumbo Extremely large in size
Juxtapose To place different things side by side for comparison
Joystick A lever that controls the movement of an aircraft or other vehicle
Javelin A light spear thrown in a competitive sport
Jargon Special words or expressions used by a profession or group
Jurisdiction The official power to make legal decisions and judgements
Jeopardize To put something in danger of loss, harm, or failure

Science Words That Start With J (7th Grade)

7th-grade science introduces more specialised terminology:

Word Meaning
Jet stream A narrow band of strong winds in the upper atmosphere
Jurassic The geological period known for the dominance of dinosaurs
Jetsam Objects thrown overboard from a ship or boat
Joystick A lever that controls the movement of an aircraft or other vehicle
Juniper An evergreen shrub or tree with berry-like cones
Jacuzzi A type of whirlpool bath
Jam To block or congest
Jumper A wire used to complete an electrical circuit
Jiffy An extremely short period of time
Joule’s law The law relating heat produced in a conductor to electric current

Science Words That Start With J (8th Grade)

By 8th grade, students are ready for more advanced scientific vocabulary:

Word Meaning
Jargon Special words or expressions used by a profession or group
Jurisdiction The official power to make legal decisions and judgements
Jeopardise To put something in danger of loss, harm, or failure
Jagged Having a rough, uneven surface or edge
Jovian Relating to the planet Jupiter
Jerk The rate of change of acceleration
J-particle A subatomic particle with a very short lifetime
Josephson effect A phenomenon involving superconducting currents
J-coupling An interaction between different angular momenta in atoms or molecules
Jablonski diagram A diagram showing electronic states of a molecule

Discipline-Specific Science Words That Start With J

Physics Words That Start With J

Physics, the study of matter and energy, has its own set of J words:

Word Meaning
Joule’s law The law relating heat produced in a conductor to electric current
Jerk The rate of change of acceleration
J-particle A subatomic particle with a very short lifetime
Josephson effect A phenomenon involving superconducting currents
J-coupling An interaction between different angular momenta in atoms or molecules
Joule-Thomson effect The temperature change of a gas when it is forced through a valve
Jet propulsion Propulsion by means of a jet of fluid or gas
Jovian planets The gas giants of our solar system (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune)
Junction diode A semiconductor device with a single P-N junction
J-value A measure of the worth of a statistical life in risk analysis

Chemistry Words That Start With J

Chemistry, the study of matter and its interactions, also has specific J words:

Word Meaning
Joliot A synthetic radioactive element named after Frédéric Joliot-Curie
J-tube A J-shaped tube used in laboratory setups
Jahn-Teller effect A geometric distortion of molecules and ions
Joule-Thomson effect The temperature change of a gas when it is forced through a valve
Jablonski diagram A diagram showing electronic states of a molecule
Jahn-Teller theorem A theorem in chemistry that states certain non-linear molecules cannot be stable
Johannsen’s law A law stating that the phenotype of an organism is determined by its genes and environment
Jones redactor A device used in analytical chemistry for reducing solutions
Joule heating The process by which the passage of an electric current through a conductor produces heat
Jominy end-quench test A test to determine the harden ability of steel
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Biology Words That Start With J

Biology, the study of living organisms, has its own set of J words:

Word Meaning
Jejunum The middle part of the small intestine
Juxtaglomerular apparatus A microscopic structure in the kidney
Jacobson’s organ An olfactory organ found in some animals
Junk DNA DNA sequences that do not code for proteins
Juvenescence The state or period of being young
Juxtaposition The fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect
Juvenile hormone A hormone that regulates development in insects
Junctional complex A specialised area of contact between cells
Jaundice A yellowish pigmentation of the skin, often seen in liver diseases
Jurisprudence The theory or philosophy of law

Math Words That Start With J

Mathematics, the science of numbers and their operations, also has J words:

Word Meaning
Jacobian A determinant used in multivariate calculus
Jordan canonical form A special matrix form in linear algebra
Juxtaposition The act of placing two or more things side by side
J-shaped distribution A probability distribution shaped like the letter J
Julia set A set of points in the complex plane
Jacobi method An iterative algorithm for determining the solutions of a system of linear equations
Jordan curve theorem A theorem about simple closed curves in the plane
Jumps Discontinuities in a function
Joint probability The probability of two events occurring together
Jupyter An open-source web application for interactive computing

Physical Science Words That Start With J

Physical science, which includes both physics and chemistry, has its own set of J words:

Word Meaning
Jacuzzi A type of whirlpool bath
Jam To block or congest
Jolt A sudden, sharp movement
Jumper A wire used to complete an electrical circuit
Jiffy An extremely short period of time
Joule heating The process by which the passage of an electric current through a conductor produces heat
Jet engine An engine that produces forward motion by ejecting a jet of fluid or gas rearward at high velocity
Junction box An enclosure housing electrical connections
Jib A triangular sail set forward of the forward most mast
Jackscrew A device for lifting heavy weights by means of a screw turned by a lever


Here are 10 quizzes based on the words in the article:

Quiz 1: 4th Grade Science Words That Start With J

  1. The ___ holds the teeth in the bony structure of the mouth in vertebrates.
  2. A ___ is a free-swimming marine animal with a jelly-like body.
  3. A ___ is a point where two bones meet in the body.
  4. ___ is the liquid extracted from fruits or vegetables.
  5. A ___ is a dense, tropical forest with abundant vegetation.


  1. jaw
  2. jellyfish
  3. joint
  4. juice
  5. jungle

Quiz 2: 5th Grade Science Words That Start With J

  1. A ___ causes yellowing of the skin and eyes.
  2. A ___ is a young animal that has not reached adulthood.
  3. A ___ describes a state of danger or risk.
  4. ___ causes a physical shock or jolt.
  5. A ___ is a type of quartz used in jewellery and ornaments.


  1. jaundice
  2. juvenile
  3. jeopardy
  4. jarring
  5. jasper

Quiz 3: 6th Grade Science Words That Start With J

  1. A ___ is a special anniversary, typically a 25th or 50th.
  2. A ___ marks a point of time, especially when important decisions are made.
  3. To throw or drop something from an aircraft or ship is to ___.
  4. ___ describes something extremely large in size.
  5. To place different things side by side for comparison is to ___.
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  1. jubilee
  2. juncture
  3. jettison
  4. jumbo
  5. juxtapose

Quiz 4: 7th Grade Science Words That Start With J

  1. A ___ is a narrow band of strong winds in the upper atmosphere.
  2. The ___ is the geological period known for the dominance of dinosaurs.
  3. ___ are objects thrown overboard from a ship or boat.
  4. A ___ is a lever that controls the movement of an aircraft or other vehicle.
  5. An ___ is an evergreen shrub or tree with berry-like cones.


  1. jet stream
  2. Jurassic
  3. jetsam
  4. joystick
  5. juniper

Quiz 5: 8th Grade Science Words That Start With J

  1. Special words or expressions used by a profession or group are called ___.
  2. ___ is the official power to make legal decisions and judgments.
  3. To put something in danger of loss, harm, or failure is to ___.
  4. ___ describes having a rough, uneven surface or edge.
  5. ___ describes something relating to the planet Jupiter.


  1. jargon
  2. jurisdiction
  3. jeopardize
  4. jagged
  5. Jovian

Quiz 6: Physics Words That Start With J

  1. The ___ is the law relating heat produced in a conductor to electric current.
  2. ___ is the rate of change of acceleration.
  3. A ___ is a subatomic particle with a very short lifetime.
  4. The ___ effect involves a phenomenon with superconducting currents.
  5. ___ is an interaction between different angular momenta in atoms or molecules.


  1. Joule’s law
  2. jerk
  3. J-particle
  4. Josephson
  5. J-coupling

Quiz 7: Chemistry Words That Start With J

  1. A ___ is a synthetic radioactive element named after Frédéric Joliot-Curie.
  2. A ___ is a J-shaped tube used in laboratory setups.
  3. The ___ effect is a geometric distortion of molecules and ions.
  4. The ___ effect describes the temperature change of a gas when it is forced through a valve.
  5. A ___ diagram shows the electronic states of a molecule.


  1. Joliot
  2. J-tube
  3. Jahn-Teller
  4. Joule-Thomson
  5. Jablonski

Quiz 8: Biology Words That Start With J

  1. The ___ is the middle part of the small intestine.
  2. A ___ apparatus is a microscopic structure in the kidney.
  3. An ___ organ is an olfactory organ found in some animals.
  4. ___ DNA refers to DNA sequences that do not code for proteins.
  5. ___ describes the state or period of being young.


  1. jejunum
  2. juxtaglomerular
  3. Jacobson’s
  4. junk
  5. juvenescence

Quiz 9: Math Words That Start With J

  1. A ___ is a determinant that multivariate calculus uses.
  2. ___ canonical form refers to a special matrix form in linear algebra.
  3. The act of placing two or more things side by side is called ___.
  4. A ___ distribution shapes like the letter J in probability.
  5. A ___ set is a set of points in the complex plane.


  1. Jacobian
  2. Jordan
  3. juxtaposition
  4. J-shaped
  5. Julia

Quiz 10: Physical Science Words That Start With J

  1. A ___ is a type of whirlpool bath.
  2. To block or congest is to ___.
  3. A ___ is a sudden, sharp movement.
  4. A ___ completes an electrical circuit using a wire
  5. An ___ is an extremely short period of time.


  1. Jacuzzi
  2. jam
  3. jolt
  4. jumper
  5. jiffy


This comprehensive exploration of 120 science words that start with J showcases the rich and diverse vocabulary used across various scientific disciplines. Indeed, from elementary concepts to advanced terminology, these words form an essential part of scientific communication and understanding.

Furthermore, by familiarising yourself with these terms, you equip yourself to engage with scientific literature, discussions, and research more effectively. Remember, language is a crucial tool in science. It allows us to describe complex phenomena, share ideas, and push the boundaries of human knowledge.

As you continue your scientific journey, keep expanding your vocabulary. In fact, each new word you learn opens up new avenues of understanding and exploration in the fascinating world of science. Whether you’re a student, educator, or science enthusiast, we hope this article has provided valuable insights and sparked your curiosity to learn more.

Moreover, science is an ever-evolving field, and staying updated with its language is key to keeping pace with new discoveries and advancements. So, keep learning, keep exploring, and let your scientific vocabulary grow alongside your knowledge and understanding of the world around us.

Ultimately, remember that the journey of scientific discovery is ongoing, and language is your passport to this exciting world. Embrace these new words, use them in your studies or work, and watch as they unlock new realms of scientific understanding. Consequently, the more fluent you become in the language of science, the more equipped you’ll be to contribute to this ever-growing field of knowledge.

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