Top 110 Commonly Used Verbs That Start With R


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Verbs That Start With R

Expanding your vocabulary with verbs that start with R is crucial for improving your English communication skills. These verbs will help you express ideas more dynamically, whether you’re speaking or writing.

This article will provide 110 commonly used R verbs, complete with their meanings, examples, and synonyms, to help you understand and use them effectively. Whether you’re working on creative writing or improving your English language learning, this guide is designed for all learners, especially those in the USA.

Here Are Some Verbs That Start with the Letter “R”

To kick things off, here’s a comprehensive list of some commonly used verbs that start with R. These verbs are essential for everyday communication, and you’ll often come across them in both formal and informal settings.

Verb Meaning Example Synonyms
Run To move quickly on foot “He runs to catch the bus every morning.” Sprint, dash, jog
Read To look at and comprehend text “She reads her favorite novel daily.” Peruse, scan, review
Reach To arrive at or achieve something “He reached the peak of the mountain.” Attain, grasp, achieve
Raise To lift or elevate something “They raised the flag at the ceremony.” Lift, hoist, elevate
Rescue To save someone from danger “The firefighters rescued the kitten.” Save, recover, liberate
Remove To take away or eliminate “She removed the old wallpaper.” Delete, extract, erase
Relax To become less tense or anxious “He relaxed by the pool all day.” Rest, unwind, ease
Resist To withstand or oppose “She resisted the urge to complain.” Defy, oppose, reject
Relate To show or make a connection “She relates well to her coworkers.” Connect, associate, link
Respond To reply or react “He responded to the email quickly.” Reply, react, answer
Replace To take the place of something “The company replaced the old computers.” Substitute, swap, exchange
Rebuild To construct again “They rebuilt the town after the storm.” Restore, renovate, reconstruct
Refuse To decline or reject “He refused the job offer.” Decline, reject, deny
Reflect To throw back light or heat “The mirror reflected the sunlight.” Mirror, return, bounce
Regret To feel remorse or sorrow “He regretted his harsh words.” Lament, bemoan, mourn
Rejoin To join again after separation “She rejoined her friends after work.” Return, reunite, reenter
Recharge To restore energy or strength “He recharged his phone before leaving.” Refuel, renew, refresh
Rehearse To practice for a performance “They rehearsed for the school play.” Practice, train, prepare
Remain To stay in the same place “She remained calm under pressure.” Stay, continue, endure
Recreate To create again or replicate “They recreated the original design.” Duplicate, replicate, remake

This is just the beginning! These R verbs are frequently used in conversation, literature, and communication. Let’s move on to other sections to explore more.

R Verbs for Teaching Kids

R verbs for teaching kids are playful and engaging, making language learning fun and interactive. These verbs capture the essence of childhood activities and experiences, helping children connect with language in relatable ways.

Verb Meaning Example Synonyms
Run To move quickly on foot “Kids love to run in the park.” Sprint, jog
Rumble To make a deep, resonating sound “The thunder rumbled in the distance.” Roar, rumble
Read To look at and understand written words “I read a story before bedtime.” Peruse, scan
Ride To sit on and control a vehicle “They ride their bikes to school.” Travel, mount
Roll To move in a circular motion “The ball rolled down the hill.” Spin, rotate
Relax To become less tense “Let’s relax after a long day.” Unwind, calm
Recycle To convert waste into reusable material “We recycle paper and plastic.” Reuse, reclaim
Remember To keep something in mind “Remember to wash your hands!” Recall, retain
Rhyme To have the same ending sound “Let’s make a rhyme together.” Match, correspond
Replicate To make a copy of something “You can replicate this art project.” Duplicate, reproduce
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By using these verbs in lessons and activities, educators can foster a love for words and storytelling. Ultimately, they serve as tools for building confidence and creativity in young learners.

Some Vivid Words That Start with R

Vivid words bring writing and speech to life by making descriptions more colorful and dynamic. Here are some powerful verbs that start with R:

Verb Meaning Example Synonyms
Radiate Emit energy or warmth “The fireplace radiated warmth across the room.” Emit, glow, shine
Resonate Evoke or suggest a strong meaning “Her message resonated with the audience.” Reverberate, echo, impact
Rejuvenate Make someone feel younger or fresher “The weekend trip rejuvenated them.” Revitalize, refresh, revive
Replenish Fill something up again “She replenished her water bottle.” Refill, restock, recharge
Reinforce Strengthen or support “The bridge was reinforced for safety.” Fortify, bolster, strengthen
Refurbish Renovate or redecorate “They refurbished the old house.” Renovate, restore, revamp
Revamp Give new and improved form “She revamped her resume.” Overhaul, redesign, renew
Resuscitate Revive from unconsciousness or near death “The doctors resuscitated the patient.” Revive, restore, reawaken
Reflect To cast back light or thoughts “The lake reflected the clear blue sky.” Mirror, return, echo

These verbs can elevate both your spoken and written communication. Incorporating these into daily conversations or creative writing will make descriptions more vibrant and impactful.

Verbs That Start with R to Describe a Person

Some verbs are specifically useful when describing a person’s actions, behavior, or qualities. Below is a list of verbs that start with R, commonly used to describe people.

Verb Meaning Example Synonyms
Respect To hold someone in high regard “She respects her elders deeply.” Honor, admire, value
Reassure To give confidence or comfort “He reassured her that everything would be okay.” Comfort, console, soothe
Reason To think or argue logically “He reasoned with his opponent calmly.” Argue, rationalize, justify
Recognize To identify someone or something “She recognized him from the photo.” Acknowledge, notice, realize
Reprimand To scold or rebuke “The teacher reprimanded the student for being late.” Scold, admonish, chastise
React To respond to a stimulus “She reacted quickly to the news.” Respond, reply, act
Resolve To settle or find a solution “They resolved the conflict peacefully.” Settle, solve, determine
Relate To show connection or empathy “She relates well to her colleagues.” Connect, empathize, identify
Relax To become less tense or anxious “He relaxes after a long day of work.” Unwind, ease, rest
Revile To criticize in an abusive manner “He was reviled for his actions.” Condemn, denounce, criticize

These verbs are commonly used when describing interactions and behaviors, which is key for effective communication and conveying human emotions and actions.

Verbs for Expressing Emotions with R

Emotional verbs that start with R articulate feelings and sentiments, offering depth to your writing. These verbs allow you to express a range of emotions, from joy to regret, helping to convey your characters’ inner experiences.

Verb Meaning Example Synonyms
Resent To feel bitterness about something “She resented the unfair treatment.” Dislike, begrudge
Relish To enjoy greatly “He relished the victory.” Savor, delight
Rejoice To express great happiness “They rejoiced in their success.” Celebrate, exult
Regret To feel sorrow or remorse “He regrets his harsh words.” Lament, mourn
Repent To feel remorse for a past action “She repented her actions.” Atone, apologize
Reassure To say or do something to remove doubt “He reassured her everything would be fine.” Calm, comfort
Rally To bring together for a common purpose “The community rallied after the crisis.” Unite, gather
Rage To feel intense anger “He raged against the injustice.” Fume, storm
Resign To give up or accept something “He resigned himself to the outcome.” Submit, yield
Relinquish To let go of or give up “She relinquished her claim.” Surrender, yield

By incorporating these verbs, you can create more relatable and impactful narratives. As a result, they enhance the emotional resonance of your storytelling. These common verbs are integral to daily communication and essential for anyone looking to improve their English language skills.

A Summary of the Top 10 Commonly Used Verbs That Start with R

To summarize, here are the top 10 R verbs that you’ll encounter often in day-to-day interactions. These verbs are highly functional in both casual and formal contexts.

Verb Meaning Example Synonyms
Run Move quickly “He runs every day to stay fit.” Sprint, jog, dash
Read Comprehend written text “She reads novels every night.” Peruse, study, scan
Reach Achieve a goal or destination “They reached their target sales figures.” Achieve, attain, arrive
Replace Substitute one thing for another “They replaced the broken equipment.” Swap, substitute, exchange
Rebuild Construct again “The town was rebuilt after the hurricane.” Restore, reconstruct, renew
Relate Connect or empathize with someone “She relates well to her coworkers.” Identify, connect, empathize
Reply Respond to a question or statement “He replied to the text message quickly.” Respond, answer, react
Refuse Decline to accept or agree to something “She refused the job offer.” Reject, decline, deny
Relax Become less tense or anxious “He relaxed after the long flight.” Unwind, rest, ease
Recycle Convert waste into reusable material “They recycle paper and plastic.” Reuse, reprocess, repurpose
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This list highlights the essential verbs that form the backbone of many common conversations.

Lesser-Known R Verbs

Lesser-known R verbs offer a treasure trove of language exploration, allowing you to expand your vocabulary beyond the basics. These verbs may not be commonly used but can add flair and precision to your writing. By incorporating these unique verbs, you can articulate ideas more distinctly and creatively. As a result, they enrich your language and enhance your overall expression.

Verb Meaning Example Synonyms
Raft To travel by a raft “They rafted down the river.” Float, paddle
Rasp To scrape with a harsh sound “He rasped his voice to get attention.” Grate, scrape
Reek To smell strongly or unpleasantly “The garbage began to reek.” Stink, smell
Rebuff To reject or turn away “She rebuffed his advances.” Reject, repel
Reprove To reprimand or correct “The teacher reproved the student’s mistake.” Scold, admonish
Recant To withdraw or disavow a statement “He recanted his earlier confession.” Retract, withdraw
Ransack To search thoroughly “They ransacked the house for clues.” Search, loot
Reprimand To express disapproval “The manager reprimanded the employee.” Rebuke, scold
Rummage To search through “She rummaged through her bag.” Search, scour
Retort To reply sharply or angrily “He retorted with a witty comeback.” Reply, respond

Miscellaneous R Verbs

Miscellaneous R verbs encompass a diverse range of actions and concepts, providing a broader vocabulary for various contexts. These verbs may not fit neatly into other categories, but they still play crucial roles in communication and expression.

Verb Meaning Example Synonyms
Retrieve To get something back “She retrieved her bag from lost and found.” Recover, reclaim
Research To investigate systematically “They researched the topic thoroughly.” Study, explore
Rewrite To write something again “He rewrote the paragraph.” Revise, amend
Refrain To hold back from doing something “Please refrain from talking.” Avoid, abstain
Rinse To wash lightly “He rinsed the vegetables before cooking.” Wash, clean
Reflect To think deeply “She reflected on her choices.” Contemplate, ponder
Recharge To restore energy “He recharged his phone.” Revitalize, renew
Recite To say something from memory “She recited the poem beautifully.” Repeat, narrate
Reorganize To arrange in a new way “They reorganized the office.” Rearrange, restructure
Resurrect To bring back to life “They tried to resurrect the old tradition.” Revive, restore

By exploring these verbs, you can discover unique ways to articulate ideas and actions. Thus, they serve as valuable additions to any writer’s lexicon.

Dynamic Verbs Starting with R

Dynamic verbs that start with R emphasize movement and change, making them vital for describing processes and transformations. They capture the essence of progression, whether physical, emotional, or conceptual. Utilizing these verbs enriches your narrative by illustrating how things evolve over time. Thus, they are particularly effective in both creative and analytical contexts, allowing for a nuanced portrayal of actions.

Verb Meaning Example Synonyms
Revolve To move in a circular motion “The earth revolves around the sun.” Orbit, rotate
Reflect To throw back light or images “The mirror reflects my image.” Mirror, echo
Rise To move upward “The sun rises in the east.” Ascend, climb
Rage To show intense anger “He raged at the unfair treatment.” Fume, storm
Regulate To control or maintain “The government regulates businesses.” Control, manage
Realize To become aware of “She realized her mistake.” Understand, comprehend
Reinvent To change something so it looks new “They reinvented their brand.” Revamp, redesign
Renew To begin again “She renewed her commitment.” Restore, revive
Relate To show a connection “He can relate to your situation.” Connect, associate
Retain To keep possession of “He retained his childhood memories.” Preserve, hold

Action Verbs That Start with R

Action verbs beginning with R infuse energy and motion into sentences, conveying dynamic actions and reactions. These verbs are particularly useful in storytelling and descriptive writing, as they create vivid imagery and engage readers. By incorporating these action verbs, you can add depth and excitement to your writing. Consequently, they help paint a clearer picture of events and actions taking place.

Verb Meaning Example Synonyms
Rally To come together for a cause “The crowd rallied for justice.” Unite, gather
Retreat To move back or withdraw “They decided to retreat.” Withdraw, recede
Resist To oppose or withstand “She resisted the temptation.” Oppose, withstand
Reveal To make known “The magician revealed his trick.” Disclose, unveil
Regret To feel sorrow about something “He regretted his decision.” Lament, repent
Rejoice To feel great joy “They rejoiced at the news.” Celebrate, exult
Resume To continue after a pause “Please resume your seats.” Restart, continue
Refuse To indicate that one is not willing “She refused to participate.” Decline, reject
Reinforce To strengthen or support “They reinforced the wall.” Bolster, fortify
Renew To make new again “She renewed her subscription.” Revitalize, refresh
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Exploring the Enigmatic: A Compilation of Vibrant Verbs Beginning with R

When it comes to writing articles or enhancing your linguistic skills, using vibrant verbs makes your text engaging and dynamic. Here are some verbs that evoke strong imagery or emotions:

Verb Meaning Example Synonyms
Rally To come together for a cause “The community rallied to support the victims.” Unite, assemble, gather
Roar Make a loud, deep sound “The lion roared in the distance.” Bellow, thunder, yell
Revolve Move in a circular orbit “The planets revolve around the sun.” Orbit, circle, rotate

How Do You Identify an R Verb in a Sentence?

Identifying R verbs in sentences is essential for mastering English grammar. These are action words that describe what the subject is doing. To spot them:

  1. Look for the main action being performed.
  2. See if the word is describing an activity or state of being.

For example, in the sentence “He runs every morning,” “runs” is the R verb, describing what “he” does.

Things That Start with R with Their Meanings

There are plenty of objects and concepts that start with the letter R. Here’s a list of a few:

Thing Meaning
Radio A device that receives sound through electromagnetic waves
Rainbow An arc of colors formed in the sky by the refraction of light
River A large natural stream of water flowing in a channel

Unique R Verbs for Writing

Unique R verbs for writing open up new avenues for expression, allowing for creativity and innovation in language. These verbs can add specificity and style to your prose, enhancing the overall impact of your writing. By selecting unique verbs, you can differentiate your work and engage your audience more effectively. Therefore, they are invaluable tools for any writer aiming for originality and depth.

Verb Meaning Example Synonyms
Ruminate To think deeply about something “She ruminated over her choices.” Contemplate, ponder
Resonate To evoke a feeling or memory “His story resonated with many.” Echo, reverberate
Reciprocate To respond to an action “He reciprocated her kindness.” Return, repay
Reiterate To say something again “He reiterated his main points.” Repeat, restate
Reverberate To echo back “The laughter reverberated in the hall.” Resound, echo
Relinquish To give up or let go “She relinquished her position.” Surrender, yield
Rejuvenate To make young or fresh again “The spa treatment rejuvenated her.” Refresh, revitalize
Regale To entertain or amuse “He regaled them with tales of adventure.” Entertain, delight
Reconstruct To build or form again “They reconstructed the ancient ruins.” Restore, rebuild
Retaliate To return an injury “They retaliated against the attack.” Avenge, strike back

List of Cool Words That Start with R

Cool words make learning exciting. Some fun R words include:

Word Meaning
Radical Relating to fundamental change
Resplendent Shining brilliantly
Rhapsody An enthusiastic expression of emotion

Frequently Asked Questions on R Words for Kids

  1. What are the best ways to learn R words?
    • Playing games, reading books, and practicing with flashcards are effective methods.
  2. Why is learning verbs important for kids?
    • Verbs help kids describe actions, which is key for effective communication.

What Is an Example of an R Verb Noun?

An example of a verb noun starting with R is run. In the sentence “He went for a run,” the word run is used as a noun rather than a verb.

Things That Start with R with Their Meanings

Revisiting this, here are a few more items starting with R:

Thing Meaning
Rocket A vehicle designed to travel in space
Ring A circular band, typically worn on a finger
Recipe Instructions for preparing food

Quiz Time!

Let’s test your knowledge of R verbs:

  1. Which verb means “to save someone from danger”?
    • A. Raise
    • B. Rescue
    • C. Rebuild

Answer: B. Rescue

  1. Which of these is a verb that describes making something new again?
    • A. Replace
    • B. Reflect
    • C. Rejuvenate

Answer: C. Rejuvenate


  1. Cambridge Dictionary – Verbs and Adverbs
  2. Merriam-Webster – Vocabulary and Definitions
  3. Oxford Learner’s Dictionary – Word Meanings and Synonyms
  4. Grammarly – Language Learning Resources
  5. Collins Dictionary – English Grammar and Usage

With this detailed exploration of verbs starting with R, you now have the tools to enhance your communication and enrich your vocabulary. Use these verbs to make your writing and speaking more dynamic, and don’t forget to practice regularly to see improvement in your English skills!

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